joi, 1 septembrie 2011

Eu iubesc

Eu iubesc multe lucruri si multi oameni.

Lucruri la care nu am in permanenta acces si persoane pe care uneori nici nu stiu cum le cheama, dar pe toate astea le iubesc pentru ca apartin dimensiunii mele si se asezoneaza cu lumea mea. Vibreaza si respira acelasi aer ca si mine. Facem parte din aceiasi lume, incercam sa lasam trecutul in trecut pentru a lasa viitorul curat, neintinat si nescris, fiind astfel plin de o multitudine de posibilitati infinite neafectate de sabloane comportamentale. Suntem transformabili si intr-un continuu proces evolutiv. Suntem vii pe cat de vii a vrut sa ne faca bunul D-zeu si ne bucuram de viata orice ne-ar oferi ea, pentru ca de asta ne-am nascut.

Eu iubesc mirosul proaspat al pamantului dupa ploaie, baloanele colorate, focurile de artificii, lumanarile parfumate, copiii, cafeaua servita in portelan fin, norii pufosi pe cerul senin, dulceata de visine tolanita in farfuriute de cristal, iarba de un verde crud impodobita cu bobite de roua, mirosul curat de asternuturi proaspat spalate, luna plina reflectata in mare.

Imi iubesc parintii pentru ca mi-au dat viata, pentru ca desi nu seman absolut deloc cu ei si nici nu m-au inteles pe deplin niciodata, m-au iubit mereu dezinteresat si m-au lasat sa fiu eu. Ii iubesc pentru ca m-au invatat tot ceea ce stiu ei si au facut eforturi demne de apreciat pentru a ma dezvolta pe toate planurile. Tata mi-a fost mereu alaturi intr-un fel discret, fiind un punct de sprijin permanent si invizibil, m-a initiat in jocul a o groaza de sporturi, invatandu-ma de fapt sa am incredere in mine si sa cred ca pot invata absolut orice. Mama m-a invatat ca este in regula sa fiu mandra de mine si sa imi vad de drumul meu indiferent ce spun ceilalti. Cel mai mult iubesc la ei felul simplu in care ei au inteles sa formeze un cuplu, ei care sunt atat de diferiti au fost mereu incredibil de uniti incat eu nu am reusit niciodata sa ii dezbin si sa ii manipulez. Indiferent cate eforturi am depus in acest sens, nu am gasit nici o fisura in zidul lor.

Imi iubesc orasul in care m-am nascut si in care traiesc in ciuda murdariei sale. Il iubesc pentru ca ma ascunde in intestinele sale, facandu-ma sa ma simt protejata datorita imensitatii de posibilitati pe care mi le ofera. Iubesc zona dintre Piata Romana si Piata Victoriei, unde in copilarie mi-am petrecut departe de familia mea cateva saptamani intr-o vila la o matusa prin alianta. O matusa destul de instarita, cu sange asa-zis albastru si gene amestecate de macedoneni si evrei, care ma purta in vizite pe la alte babe scapatate si unde am invatat ca o cafea buna se bea in portelanuri de Rosenthal, dulceata se serveste in farfuriute plamadite din cristal de Bohemia, iar apa rece ca gheata se serveste obligatoriu pe o tavita din argint cu un mileu apretat dedesubt, toate astea intr-un living mobilat stil Biedermeier. Imaginile noastre desuete, parca desprinse dintr-un film alb negru, erau reflectate in oglinzile cu sticla de Murrano, fiind urmarite totodata de chipuri pictate in ulei, de mult uitate, din rame prafuite, ce vag se disting de pe peretii crapati de cutremurul din 1977.

Inca am limpede in minte ca la capatul cerceilor de aur filigranat innegrit de vreme se balansa lenes o bobita de topaz sau de safir, iar manusile de macrameu crosetat asteptau deformate si cuminti in hol la intrare pe masute de perete (cu picioare lungi si delicate ca ale unei caprioare) ca sa isi reia forma plina odata ce vor fi reintroduse pe mana. Inca stiu gustul primei inghetate servite pe bulevard la restaurantul de lux de la parterul unui hotel de 5 stele, gust pe care l-am reintalnit spre surprinderea mea doar la Ciragan Palace Kempinski Hotel pe malul Bosforului.

Dar toate astea nu se pot compara cu galagia din apartamentul semi-decomandat de 2 camere (max. 45 mp) situat la marginea cartierului Pantelimon, plin de igrasie, imediat langa scoala unde am facut primele 4 clase. De acolo de la etajul 9, eu il asistam pe fratele meu mai mare cum arunca cu rosii in pietoni si tot de acolo urlam pe balcon la norii ce alergau furtunos catre noi vestind ploile de august. De la acelasi balcon, in timpul orelor de sport in aer liber, mama imi facea galerie la cursele de atletism si de acolo imi catapulta, ca sa scutesc urcatul pe scari, cele mai bune sandwich-uri cu unt si branza pe care le-am mancat vreodata. Acolo ma jucam in copilarie cu fetele „de-a mama si de-a tata”, tavaleam bietele papusi prin nisip pretinzand ca le facem baie si le dadeam sa manance pietricele pe post de cartofi. Acolo imi juleam genunchii sarind gardurile mai bine decat orice alt baiat, dorind sa il impresionez pe fratele meu. Acolo m-am indragostit de mirosul de legume fierte care anticipau supa de pui grozava pe care o face doar mama mea. Acolo la etajul 9, am invatat ca a gusta supa de pui este echivalent cu a gusta conceptul de mama, indiferent de calitatea portelanului din care e servita. Acolo am invatat sa urlu de bucurie cand ploua vara si sa imi umplu sufletul de lumina cand soarele apune, convinsa fiind ca intensitatea luminii se diminueaza la crepuscul pentru ca imi face mie cu ochiul, luandu-si la revedere.

Imi iubesc fiul. A alege sa il pastrez a fost cea mai buna si importanta alegere pe care am facut-o cu viata mea, dar a-l iubi nu a fost o obtiune. Pur si simplu il iubesc. Fara nicio explicatie si fara nicio logica. Este o fiinta minunata care ca si mine nu seamana cu nimeni altcineva, este doar „Luca”, iar simplele lui gesturi de tandrete ma arunca pe culmi nebanuite de extaz. Momentele de sambata dupa-amiaza cand incerc sa il adorm iar el se joaca in parul meu, si pe jumatate adormit imi spune: „Mami, sa nu te misti, ca am construit un castel din parul tau si mi-am ascuns degetele in el” ma cutremura de fericire pana la lacrimi. Si as vrea sa ma intorc brusc si sa il sarut violent si sa il strang tare in brate, dar nu o fac pentru ca as distruge castelul.

Iubirea, daca e sa dam crezare grecilor, imbraca mai multe forme: eros, philia, agape si storge (ar mai fi alte cateva), adica iubirea ludica, carnala, prietenia, respectul, iubirea pragmatica, iubirea ideala, dezinteresata, iubirea parinteasca etc.

Eu nu sunt capabila sa definesc cum iubesc. Iubesc si gata. In toate felurile si in nici unul. Pur si simplu. Iubirea asta a mea mi se pare atat de simpla si totodata atat de greu de explicat de parca i-as cere unui filozof sa imi explice semnificatia unei scrijelituri pe un perete, unde scrie cu litere de-o schioapa


Cum sa explici asa ceva?

Cum sa explic eu de ce imi plac norii?

Sau de ce mor de placere cand fi-miu construieste castele din parul meu, sau cand miroase a supa? E la fel. E chiar la fel ... Nici nu pot cere norilor sa ma iubeasca inapoi, nici supei ... Dar ce magica e clipa cand ajungi sa constientizezi ca frunzele alea ruginii, pe care calci in graba pe aleea din parc cand alergi spre munca, te iubesc inapoi. Eu nu iubesc pentru a fi iubita inapoi, dar cand asta se intampla traiesc niste experiente nepamantesti.

Gasesc totul atat de familiar la lucrurile/fiintele pe care le iubesc si totodata atat de enigmatic precum toate de mai sus: familia mea, orasul meu, fiul meu, apusul de soare ... pe toate cred ca le cunosc atat de bine, dar ele chiar si asa familiare ma surprind de fiecare data. Este atat de sigur ca soarele apune in fiecare seara, dar de fiecare data apusul e diferit. Iubesc cum se iubeste si totusi diferit. Toate astea nu intruchipezi in mintea mea nici ideea de tata, nici aceea de copil, nici de soare, nici de casa. Ele sunt ce sunt si nu sunt ceea ce nu sunt si nu pot sa inteleg cum de au ajuns in dimensiunea mea, pe frecventa mea. Nu imi lasa alta varinata decat aceea de a le iubi. Doar sunt pe acelasi nivel cu mine.

Nu pot explica asta, dar pentru mine asa e. Apa ingheata la zero grade si fierbe la 100. Dar eu una, nu stiu de ce.

Eu iubesc.

I love

I love a lot of things and a lot of people.

Things at which I do not have constantly access and persons that sometimes I do not even know their name, but I love them all because they belong to my dimension and we get along, they match with my world. They are vibrating the same rhythm and they are breathing the same air that I do. We are part of the same world, we try to leave the past in the past where it belongs, for letting the future clean, unspoiled and unwritten, being full of a multitude of infinite possibilities untouched by patterns of behavior. We are transformable and continuously into an endless evolving process. We are as alive as God created us to be, and we enjoy the life no matter what life is offering to us, because that is why we are born for.

I love the fresh smell of the earth after rain, the colorful balloons, the fireworks, the scented candles, the children, the coffee served in fine china, the puffy clouds on the blue clear sky, the sour cherry preserves laid down in crystal small plates, the cruel green grass, the smell of the clean linen just washed, the full moon reflected in the sea.

I love my parents because they gave me life and because despite the fact that I am totally different from them and they never completely understood me, they always loved me interest free and they let me be me. I love them because they taught me everything they know and they made efforts that should be acknowledged for developing my potential. My father always stood by me in a very discreet way, being a constantly and invisible support, he taught me a lot of sports teaching me practically to trust myself and to believe that I can learn anything. From my mum I learned that it is ok to be proud of myself and to follow my own road no matter what others might believe. But what I love the most at them is the simple way in which they understood to make a couple, they who are so different one from another they have always been so united, so close one to another that I never succeeded to manipulate them. No matter how many efforts I made I could not find a break into their wall.

I love the city in which I have been born and where I live despite its misery. I love it because it is hiding me inside of its intestines, making me feel protected due to the immensity of possibilities that it is offering to me. I love the area between Romana Square and Victoriei Square, where in childhood I spend away from my family a few weeks in a villa belonging to a far aunt. An aunt quite wealthy, with a so called blue blood and mixed genes of Macedonians and Jews, who was carrying me after her in visits to other rich oldies and where I learned that a good coffee is served in Rosenthal china, the sour cherry sweet preserves is served in Bohemian crystal small plates, the glass with ice cold water is compulsory served on a silver platter with an milieu under, all these served in a living stile Biedermeier. Our desuetude images like depicted from a black white old movie were reflected in the Murrano glass mirrors, being in the same time watched by the oil painted figures out of the dusted frames, which vaguely were distinguished themselves from the 1977 earthquake fissured walls.

I still have clearly in mind that at the edge of the golden ear-rings blacken by the time it was swinging a lazy beam of topaz or sapphire, and the gloves ... were waiting ... and quiet into the lobby at the entrance on the wall small table (with long and delicate legs like the ones of a dear) for taking back the initial shape. I still know the taste of the first ice cream I served on the boulevard at the luxury restaurant from the ground of a 5 stars hotel, taste that to my surprise I could rediscover only at Ciragan Palace Kempinski Hotel on the shore of the Bosfore.

But all of these cannot be compared with the noise existing in the one bedroom apartment from the Pantelimon district, full of humidity, close to the school where I made my first four grades. From the 9th floor I was watching how my brother is throwing with tomatoes in the people passing by, and from the same floor together we were screaming at the clouds that were running tempestuous towards us announcing the August rains. From that balcony, while I was having my sport classes, my mum was my special cheer leader for the my athletics, and from the same balcony for spearing me to come up all those floors, she was catapulting me down the best sandwiches with butter and cheese I ever eat. There I spent my childhood playing with the girls “mum and dad”, pulling throw the dust the poor dolls pretending that we make them a bath and we were feeding them with small stones pretending they are potatoes. There I destroyed the skin of my knees climbing the high fences better than any other boy willing to impress my older brother. There I fall in love with the smell of boiled vegetables who were announcing a chicken soup than only my mom is able to make. There at the ninth floor I learned that tasting a chicken soup is equivalent with tasting the concept of “being mother”, of “mom” no matter the quality of the china in which the soup is served.

I love my son. Choosing to keep him was the best and the most important choice I ever made with my life, but loving him was not an option. I just love him. Without any explanation and without any logic. He is a wonderful human being and just like me he is not alike anyone else, he is just Luca, and his simple gesture of tenderness throws me on unexpected realms of joy. The moments from Saturday afternoon when I am trying to put him asleep while he’s playing with my hair and half asleep he is saying: “Mom, don’t you move. I built a castle from your hair and I hide my fingers inside.” He shakes my inner world to tears. And I would like to turn suddenly to kiss him violently and to hug him tight, but I am not doing it because otherwise I would destroy the castle.

The love, if we should believe the Greeks, has many shapes: eros, philia, agape and storge (and a few more), meaning lust, fleshy love, friendship, respect, pragmatic love, ideal love, uninterested love, parental love etc.

I am not able to define how I love. I love and this is it. In all the ways and in none. Just like this. My love seems to me so simple and so hard to explain to someone like I would ask to a philosopher to explain the significance of a scratch on a wall, where it is written with huge letters


How can someone explain something like this?

How can I explain why I like the clouds?

Or why do I die of pleasure when my son builds castled out of my hair, or when I feel the smell of soup? It is the same. It is exactly the same. ... On the other hand I cannot pretend the clouds to love me back, nor to the soup ... Although think about the magic of moment when you realize that those rusty leafs you walk upon in the park alley while going at work, think that you love them because they are like giggling your feet, they love you back. I do not love for being loved back, but when this happened I live some out of this world experiences.

I found everything so familiar about the things/people I love and in the same time so enigmatic like all the above mentioned: my family, my city, my son, the sun set … all of these are so known by me, but even so they still surprise me. It is so sure that the sun goes down every evening but every time it does it differently. I love like I am supposed to love them and different in the same time. They are not taking into my head the shape of a father figure, of a child, of the sun, or of a home. They are what they are and they are not what they aren’t and I cannot understand how they get into my dimension, on my frequency. They let me no choice but to love them. They are on my level after all, isn’t it?

I cannot explain this, but for me it is like this. The water freezes at zero degrees and boils at 100. But I do not know why.

I love.